As I am frequently asked about current retail prices for these two bags, I thought I’ll post them here. The Kelly Pochette is like a small version of the Kelly bag, but in a clutch form, while the Kelly Danse is more of a casual bag that offers multiple wear options. and €8,450 in Europe, depending on the style and material.Other popular versions of the Hermès Kelly bag include the Kelly Pochette and Kelly Danse bags. The Kelly 28 bag starts at $10,600 in the U.S and €7,950 in Europe, while the Kelly 32 will cost you from $11,300 in the U.S. Now, when this has been cleared out, let’s talk about the prices for Kelly 28 and 32 bags. This is partly due to the fact that these bags are more difficult to produce. They are also typically more expensive than Retourne Kelly’s.

Sellier Kelly’s, on the contrary, are made from stiffer leathers like Epsom and Box. Retourne Kelly’s are typically made from softer leather like Togo and Clemence. The Kelly Retourne has a souple, more relaxed look, while the Kelly Sellier features a more rigid, boxy structure. And there are two different styles of the Kelly bag out there: Retourne and Sellier. Prices for the Kelly bag can also differ significantly based on its style. However, in case of the Kelly, it’s not just the material. Obviously, the material plays an important role in bag’s retail price. But how about prices for the other sizes of the Kelly Bag? Well, the Kelly 25 in Togo leather is currently going for $9,900, while the same bag in Epsom leather costs $10,600.